Episode 11: Get Stimulated: Red Light Therapy With Sarah Turner
Aug 19, 2020
Meet the superwoman Sarah Turner, the science manager and resident red light therapy expert at Recharge co. Ltd. She is interested in all aspects of the application of light in biology including photobiomodulation, circadian biology, chronobiology, lifestyle modification, and biohacking.
Together with this mad scientist, we are about to dive into the fascinating world of photobiomodulation, red light therapy and its healing properties to our well being, EMF, and the infamous Flex Beam. Sarah will also touch in the beneficial effects o red light therapy in our sex hormones and testosterone.
Sarah’s origin story on how she found herself in the Red Light Therapy Space
The study of Photobiomodulation and its healing properties that fascinated Sarah
Red Light Therapy in supercharging our Mitochondria and its impact on our entire Physiology
How Circadian Rhythm plays an important role in our Melanin production
Red Light Technology; choosing the best device for your needs
Understanding the benefits and uses of Infrared and Near-Infrared
EMF in heat saunas and how you can avoid them
The beneficial effects of red light therapy in our Collagen production, Sex Hormones, and Testosterone
The Health and Wellness advice that Sarah would have done with her younger self
SuperCharged - https://www.neshealth.com/supercharged
FLEXBEAM website: https://theflexbeam.com/
1903 Niels Finsen Nobel Prise Winner for Red Light Research: https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/medicine/1903/summary/
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